It’s another “very special episode” of Rankophiles. This week Michael says “I’m out!” and takes a break while Bryan invites an expert friend to join the fun. We welcome a special guest – the amazing and awesome Richard Seroter – to discuss a favorite TV show of his (and Bryan’s). Yada yada yada. We’re talking about Seinfeld of course! Bryan and Richard rank their top five favorite catchphrases and characters from the legendary television series. Nine seasons of gloriously brilliant comedy to choose from. What Seinfeld stuff do you love? Let us know in the comments section or on Twitter at @rankophiles.
Episode 23 – Game of Thrones Favorite Character Pairings
Is this the greatest season of Game of Thrones yet? The correct answer is “yes” – so we just had to do another GoT-themed list. We return to Westeros to rank our top five favorite GoT character pairings. Like wine with cheese or peanut butter with jelly, we mix the incredible Game of Thrones ingredients together and list the best teamups the HBO saga has seen so far. BEWARE: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! The possibilities are practically endless. What pairings are your favorites? Let us know in the comments section or on Twitter at @rankophiles.
Episode 13 – TV Themes (Part 2)
It’s part two of our brief series on TV themes. Last time we shared our list of TV theme songs with lyrics, but now we rank our top five instrumental themes. It’s always fun singing songs with no words because we can do our best instrument impressions (“bum ba da dum”). So listen in and let us know what’s on your list of themes in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 12 – TV Themes (Part 1)
It’s 2017, and we’re kicking off the new year with a two-part series on TV themes. This week, part one. We rank our top five TV theme songs…that have lyrics. Because of course you can’t have instrumental themes on the same list with fully lyricized songs. It wouldn’t make any sense. Trust us. There’s a myriad of choices, which always makes our Ranks for Nothing segment much more fun. So have a listen and then let us know everything we missed. (We’ve already thought of plenty.) Tell us your list of themes in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 7 – Game of Thrones Characters We Were Saddest to See Go
It’s Episode 7 and it’s our first foray into television! The Emmys are right around the corner, so we thought, why not honor this year’s most nominated show (and one that would likely appear on out own top five list)? That’s right – it’s Game of Thrones! We rank the top five characters we were the saddest to see get killed off. So of course, be warned: SPOILERS ABOUND! With over 100 deaths to choose from, I’m sure we missed some of your favorites! Who’s on your list? Let us know in the comments section or on Twitter at @rankophiles.