Okay, okay – so we’re a little late to the Tonys party. We recorded this one before the awards ceremony, but we knew that the tear-inducing “Dear Evan Hansen” would be the big winner of the night – and it was. So to celebrate, we invited one of our wives back on to help us rank the saddest songs ever to grace the Broadway stage. We’re sorry it took us a while to finally post it, but it’s our podcast and we can cry if we want to. Break out your box of tissues and let us know which Broadway tunes left you crying! Tell us in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 17 – Best Oscar-Winning Original Songs
The 89th Academy Awards ceremony is only days away now, we’re completing series this month of making Oscar-themed lists. Two lists in one week! The second part of our movie-music mashup, combining our love of movies and music – ranking the best original songs from a movie that won an Oscar. From standards and classics, to Disney musicals and classics, you definitely know all these songs…and you may not have realized that some were originally written for movies! Did we miss any great original songs that we should have at least mentioned? Let us know in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 16 – Best Oscar-Winning Scores
The 89th Academy Awards ceremony is now less than a week away, so we’re continuing our month of focus on some Oscar-themed lists. This week we’ll have two installments of our Oscar-related rankings that combine our love of movies and music, and first we examine best movie scores that won an Oscar. Despite so many rules changes to this awards category over the years, it’s still ripe for ranking. No surprise that John Williams gets discussed, but some other [not quite as] legendary composers show up as well and once again there’s plenty of singing and humming of your favorite themes. What scores did you want to see on the list? Any that should have won but got overlooked? Let us know in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 15 – Best Oscar Characters
The 89th Academy Awards ceremony is now less than two weeks away, so we’re continuing our month of focus on some Oscar-themed lists. This week, for the second installment of our Oscar-related rankings, we examine best characters with Oscar-winning performances. Who are the most memorable characters from the best performance Oscar archive? We’ve got our lists, but how about yours? Which Oscar-winning characters left a lasting impact on you? Let us know in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 14 – Best Picture Oscar Losers
The 89th Academy Awards ceremony is less than three weeks away, so we’re taking this whole month to focus on some Oscar-themed lists. In only our second episode, we celebrated the Tony awards and ranked our top five shows that lost the Best Musical award. Well, in our first Oscar-themed episode, we follow suit and rank our top five movies of years past that lost the Best Picture Oscar. Definitely a tough list, so please tell us what we missed. Which losers are your winners? Let us know in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.
Episode 7 – Game of Thrones Characters We Were Saddest to See Go
It’s Episode 7 and it’s our first foray into television! The Emmys are right around the corner, so we thought, why not honor this year’s most nominated show (and one that would likely appear on out own top five list)? That’s right – it’s Game of Thrones! We rank the top five characters we were the saddest to see get killed off. So of course, be warned: SPOILERS ABOUND! With over 100 deaths to choose from, I’m sure we missed some of your favorites! Who’s on your list? Let us know in the comments section or on Twitter at @rankophiles.
Episode 2 – Best Musical Tony Losers
Episode two is here, and with a brand new intro and theme song. This time around, we’re talking Broadway theatre! With Hamilton dominating the Tony Awards this year and leaving behind all other musicals from this season, we took a look at Tony history and ranked our top five shows that lost the Best Musical award. Along the way, we reveal a few shows that we absolutely hate. Which musicals are on your list? Let us know in the comments section or tweet us at @rankophiles.